Mac McCann

Mac McCann

Sales Support


Standing strong behind the scenes of McCann Properties, Mac is an integral part of the team. She is committed to seeing her family business thrive moving forward, whilst achieving quality client outcomes.

“Creating and being in complete control of your own future is exhilarating, exhausting but completely rewarding, knowing that we are building a team of likeminded people who love the daily challenge and being of service, helping people to achieve their Real Estate dreams and provide employment opportunities for those who share our vision is fantastic.”

Mac who has a degree in Business Management and an impenetrable foundation in banking and finance leaves nothing to chance. She successfully manages all aspects of the financial needs of the business from property management to trust accounts, payroll, “the books” and compliance.

Mac’s focus, organisational skills and social nature combine ensuring the vision for a united, reputable, successful team of professionals. Focused, organised, friendly and decisive, Mac has a strength that can be relied upon to provide sound, balanced and solution focussed outcomes.