Oxley 2903.

Oxley is next to the suburbs of Greenway, Wanniassa and Monash and is bounded by Drakeford Drive, Taverner Street and Erindale Drive.
The current median house price in Oxley is $576,000. So far, for the 2016 calendar year, a total of 21 properties have sold in Oxley. The highest recorded residential sale in Oxley is $956,000, seen in 2016 for a property in Collocott Crescent.

Oxley Demographics
- Oxley has a population of 1,787 people
- The median age for people living in Oxley is 35
Dwelling structure:
- Separate house: 88.6%
- Semi-detached, row or terrace house, townhouse etc. 10.9%
- Flat, unit or apartment: 0.5%
- Other: 0%
Oxley Schools
The suburb of Oxley doesn’t actually have any of it’s own schools however as it does share a boundary with the suburbs of Monash and Wanniassa and therefore feeds to the following schools:
- Monash Primary
- Wanniassa School
- Erindale College in Wanniassa

Oxley Churches
Oxley doesn’t specifically have any churches located in the suburb however the closest church’s are:
- C3 Church Monash
- Impact Church, Monash
- Canberra Islamic Centre, Monash
- LifeCity Church South in Tuggeranong
- Salvation Army Church Tuggeranong Corps
Oxley Rubbish Collection
- General waste collection for Oxley is weekly on a Monday
- Recycling collection for Oxley is fortnightly on a Monday

Oxley Clubs/Community Centres
There are no clubs or community centres in Oxley however there are several in the surrounding areas of Wanniassa and Tuggeranong:
- Erindale Vikings Club
- Erindale Theatre
- Erindale Library
- Tuggeranong Vikings Club
- Tuggeranong Southern Cross Club
Oxley Parks/Sporting Facilities
- Oxley residents have convenient access to Lake Tuggeranong, a popular spot for sport and recreational activities
- Active Leisure Centre in Erindale

Oxley Shopping Facilities
- The suburb of Oxley is conveniently close to the Tuggeranong Town Centre, which includes the Tuggeranong Hyperdome, Limelight Cinema, local businesses and a vibrant dining precinct.
- The Erindale Centre in Wanniassa is also very close by
Oxley Transportation
- Several ACTION bus routes service Oxley with links to the Tuggeranong and Woden bus interchanges
- Driving by car will take you approximately 20-25 minutes, depending on traffic, with various routes available to you, either via Yamba Drive, Athllon Drive or the Tuggeranong Parkway.