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Looking for a free market appraisal of your Tuggeranong property?

Whether you’re thinking of selling, looking to find out how much equity you have in your current property, or perhaps you just want to make sure you’re fully insured, a property appraisal can help you keep your finger on the pulse.

With over 10 years experience selling homes in Tuggeranong and having conducted over 2,000 evaluations we are well placed to give you an honest appraisal of your property to help you make the right decisions for your future.

How do we evaluate your Tuggeranong property?

We evaluate your Tuggeranong property based on the following attributes:


Location, location, location! Whether you’re in Tuggeranong or the city, in a quiet cul-de-sac or a bustling main road, location is integral to our evaluation.


Some features such as a swimming pool can add value to your property. Although, with some buyers, this might detract from the price. We know how to balance our assessment accordingly.


At McCann Properties, we’re real estate experts, so we know the market. The value of your property can vary based on market conditions.


We understand how important your neighbourhood is to your property value. Factors such as easy access to public transport, schools, shops and dining help make a great neighbourhood.


All houses, old and new, have their charms and downsides. We consider how the age of your property might have an impact on its value.


The condition of your home is really important. Factors such as renovations, roofing, mould and structural integrity can add or detract from the value of your property.

What do our clients say?

“It is with pleasure and without reservation that we recommend Mark McCann as your agent. His calm and professional manner…”

David and Janet Irons

16 Chippindall Circuit, Theodore

“We were very impressed with Marks’ integrity. He was completely honest with us from day one about what price was achievable…”

Terry and Robyn Henshaw

99 Ivo Whitton Circuit, Gleneagles

“We just wanted to say thanks to you and your fantastic team for the sale of our house. We’re looking forward to our (now bright) future…”

Tom & Robyn Kirby

11 Tuthill Place, Calwell

What’s your home worth?

Get started finding the value of your home today so that you can make the best decision for you and your family.

Request an appraisal with us in 2 easy steps:

1. Enter your property address
2. Enter your contact details

Your property appraisal report will include a price estimate, recent returns and a rental returns estimate. Let us help you make the right choice with our free expert property appraisal.

Get a free appraisal now!